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Juozas Širvinskas

  • Sound guild trustee

Juozas Širvinskas (born November 13, 1943, in Musninkai) – Lithuanian composer, film sound director and operator, and cultural manager.

1950–1961: Studied at Vilnius Secondary Art School,
1961–1963 and 1966–1969: Studied at the LSSR Conservatory (composition class of Eduardas Balsys).
Since 1968: Worked at the Lithuanian Television and Radio Committee as a music editor,
1970–1977: Worked as a sound operator and director.
1977–1990: Sound operator at the Lithuanian Film Studio, editor of the Script Editorial Board.
1990–1997: Artistic director of the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre.
1997–2002: Deputy Minister of Culture,
2002–2009: Secretary of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania.
Since 1972: Member of the Lithuanian Composers' Union,
1979: Elected as the Chairman of the Music Fund Board of the Composers' Union.
Since 1982: Member of the Lithuanian Cinematographers' Union.


Instrumental compositions:
1968–1969 (Baladė fortepijonui ir kameriniam orkestrui) “Ballad for Piano and Chamber Orchestra”
1969 (Sonata smuikui ir fortepijonui) “Sonata for Violin and Piano”
1972 (Spalvos: pjesių ciklas fortepijonui) “Colors: Cycle of Pieces for Piano”
1973 (Sonata violončelei ir fortepijonui) “Sonata for Cello and Piano”
1973 (Keturios miniatiūros styginių kvartetui) “Four Miniatures for String Quartet”
1974 (Keturi šokiai fortepijonui) “Four Dances for Piano”
1976 (Kvartetas fleitai, obojui, violončelei ir klavesinui) “Quartet for Flute, Oboe, Cello, and Harpsichord”
1976 (Daina ir Šokis smuikui ir fortepijonui) “Song and Dance for Violin and Piano”
1976 (Trys pjesės fleitai ir fortepijonui) “Three Pieces for Flute and Piano”
1977 (Pirmasis styginių kvartetas) “First String Quartet”
1978 (Improvizacija violončelei solo) “Improvisation for Cello Solo”
1979 (Kamerinė simfonija, skirta Vilniaus universiteto 400-osioms metinėms) “Chamber Symphony, Dedicated to the 400th Anniversary of Vilnius University”
1980 (Toccata barbara altui solo) “Toccata Barbara for Solo Alto”
1984 (Antrasis styginių kvartetas) “Second String Quartet”
1992 (Trečiasis styginių kvartetas „Mano krašto dainos”) “Third String Quartet 'Songs of My Homeland'”

For theatre and television:
1968–1969 (Baletas „Mergaitė su degtukais”, libretas pagal H. K. Anderseną) “Ballet ‘The Little Match Girl,’ Libretto by H. C. Andersen”
1978 (Miuziklas „Kelionė į Atatą”, K. Sajos libretas) “Musical ‘Journey to Atata,’ Libretto by K. Saja”
1977 (Miuziklas televizijai „Paskutinė lapė”, V. Žilinskaitės libretas) “Musical for Television ‘The Last Fox,’ Libretto by V. Žilinskaitė”

Music for television films:
1994 (Iš skruzdėlių gyvenimo) “From the Life of Ants”
1995 (Iš elfų gyvenimo) “From the Life of Elves”
1996 (Velnio išvarymas iš Mykolų kaimo) “The Devil Expelled from Mykolai Village”
1996 (Venera su katinu) “Venus with a Cat”
1998 (Iš avinėlių gyvenimo) “From the Life of Lambs”
1999 (Kelionių magija) “The Magic of Travel”

Music for cinema:
1981 (Kiek iki Memelio?) “How Far to Memel?”, directed by Antanas Maciulevičius
1983 (Moteris ir keturi jos vyrai) “The Woman and Her Four Husbands”, directed by Algimantas Puipa
1983 (Jo žmonos išpažintis) “The Confession of His Wife”, directed by Almantas Grikevičius
1985 (Sūnus paklydėlis) “The Lost Son”, directed by Marijonas Giedrys
1986 (Vilkolakio pėdsakai) “The Werewolf’s Tracks”, directed by Almantas Grikevičius
1987 (Savaitgalis pragare) “Weekend in Hell”, directed by Vytautas Žalakevičius
1987 (Amžinoji šviesa) “Eternal Light”, directed by Algimantas Puipa
1988 (Geležinė princesė) “The Iron Princess”, directed by Algirdas Araminas
1989 (Žuvies diena) “Fish Day”, directed by Algimantas Puipa
1990 (Marius) “Marius”, directed by Marijonas Giedrys and Jonas Pakulis
1990 (Bilietas iki Tadž Mahalo) “Ticket to Taj Mahal”, directed by Algimantas Puipa
1991 (Ir ten krantai smėlėti) “And There the Shores Are Sandy”, directed by Algimantas Puipa
1994 (Procesas) “The Trial”, directed by Algimantas Puipa
1995 (Žaibo nušviesti) “Thunderstruck”, directed by Algimantas Puipa
1997 (Vilko dantų karoliai) “Wolf’s Tooth Necklace”, directed by Algimantas Puipa
1997 (Vyrai) “Men”, directed by Inesa Kurklietytė
1998 (Jurgis Dovydaitis. Palikimas) “Jurgis Dovydaitis. The Legacy”, directed by Algirdas Tarvydas
1999 (Elzė iš Gilijos) “Elze from Gilius”, directed by Algimantas Puipa
2001 (Žolės prakalbėjimas) “The Speaking of Grass”, directed by Algirdas Tarvydas
2007 (Nuodėmės užkalbėjimas) “The Cursing of Sin”, directed by Algimantas Puipa

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